Menopause (Rajo Nivrutti) - A Graceful Transition

Menopause (Rajo Nivrutti) - A Graceful Transition

Menopause is not a health condition or a few hot flashes and an end to the menstrual flow. Menopause is a natural transition and a normal process of ageing and we need to talk about it. Symptoms can fluctuate from person to person and range from mild to extreme and that's why understanding your Ayurvedic constitution (𝘱𝘳𝘢𝘬𝘳𝘶𝘵𝘪) can help us to stay in alignment with the changes.

Many changes are happening in the body that we have come to know as peri-menopause, just like the changes experienced during puberty. We could see changes in our brain, bone density, mood, energy, skin, libido, hormonal balance, appetite, gut microbiome, weight and more. Learn how to stay in balance.

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Benefits of Self Abhyanga (Ayurvedic oil massage)

Benefits of Self Abhyanga (Ayurvedic oil massage)

The sanskrit word sneha translates as ‘oil’, but another very deep and meaningful translation of this word is ‘love’. Self abhyanga (self massage) is a daily rituals that happens as part of our self care regime - It is essentially an act of self-love, self-care and self respect. It balances the doshas and cultivates optimal wellbeing.

It is believed that abhyanga invokes similar sensations to those we feel when one we are immersed in the feelings of love such as warmth, relaxation and safety.

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Nourish the Five Vata Sub-Doshas

Nourish the Five Vata Sub-Doshas

So if you’ve been introduced to Ayurveda already you for sure will have heard of the doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha. But did you know there were five members in each dosha family? Just as in Yoga philosophy, there are five energy sheaths called koshas, there are five vayu’s, taking care of our creative, enthusiastic breezy selves. Each of the five vata sub dosha takes care of a specific area or function of our mind-body.

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Treating your Toilet Troubles the Ayurvedic Way

Treating your Toilet Troubles the Ayurvedic Way

Poop … a subject we are embarrassed to talk about despite the fact it’s a natural body habit and that many people struggle with healthy bowel movements. What’s more, so many people don’t even pay attention to what comes out the other end, but it’s your single most obvious indicator to your gut health. If you’ve visited an Ayurvedic Practitioner, you will know that we talk in detail about our elimination since it is one of the cornerstones to maintaining a healthy digestive system and overall wellness.

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Ayurvedic Perspective on Mental Health

Ayurvedic Perspective on Mental Health

Do you know what doesn’t add up for me? When we are physically unwell we take time to allow the body to recover, so why do we not do the same for when our stress levels increase or our mood and emotions fluctuates? Fluctuation to our mood is an inevitable part of life and we must understand our mind just like to body to know where our vulnerabilities lie.

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