Benefits of Self Abhyanga (Ayurvedic oil massage)

Benefits of Self Abhyanga (Ayurvedic oil massage)

The sanskrit word sneha translates as ‘oil’, but another very deep and meaningful translation of this word is ‘love’. Self abhyanga (self massage) is a daily rituals that happens as part of our self care regime - It is essentially an act of self-love, self-care and self respect. It balances the doshas and cultivates optimal wellbeing.

It is believed that abhyanga invokes similar sensations to those we feel when one we are immersed in the feelings of love such as warmth, relaxation and safety.

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5 ways to manage stress with Ayurveda

5 ways to manage stress with Ayurveda

What is stress? I am sure you would not disagree that stress is undeniably indefinable. One way to understand stress is a psycho-physiological response within the body to some physical, emotional or environmental stimulus.

The Ayurvedic approach to stress and most health concerns is based on an imbalance the energetic properties – the doshas (vata, pitta kapha). Stress is Ayurveda is seen predominantly as a disturbance to our vata dosha, the energy of movement that is formed from the space and air elements.

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