Immune Boosting Guduchi to the Rescue

Immune Boosting Guduchi to the Rescue

This wonderful herb is renowned for its positive immuno-modulating effects, support for autoimmune conditions and rejuvenating properties. Guduchi is packed full of anti-oxidants. Hence as part of a holistic approach, this plant has the power to boost immunity against many viral infections.

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What's So Unique About Ayurveda?

What's So Unique About Ayurveda?

Over the last 15 years my journey of Ayurveda has continued to evolve and grow. It’s both my passion and purpose and I feel truly blessed. Ever since I was a child I had been immersed in various diet and lifestyle practices and rituals that, at the time I didn’t know were rooted in Ayurvedic science. Read on for why it’s most profound system of medicine and healing in my eyes.

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Cool off with a tantalising Takra (Ayurvedic Buttermilk)

Cool off with a tantalising Takra (Ayurvedic Buttermilk)

Over the counter probiotics and digestive enzymes are certainly on the rise but I’m not convinced that these are a holistic, balanced or a long term solution. Ayurvedic buttermilk known as takra is a useful refreshing yoghurt-based drink designed to restore a healthy gut microbiome. It was considered to be the divine healer for humans according to (Bhavaprakasha. Ch 6.V.7)

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