Immune Boosting Guduchi to the Rescue

Boosting our inner immunity and taking care of our respiratory health has never been more important than now. I want to take a moment to honour Ayurveda’s prized immune supporting herb – Guduchi or Giloy (botanical name: Tinospora Cordifolio). According to myth this was also considered as ‘amrut’, the nectar derived from the churning of the ocean and it was said that anyone who drank it would become ‘immortal’.

I personally call this herb ‘God-uchi’ as I truly value it as a powerful and versatile adaptogen and as an all encompassing healing plant that encourages resistance to stress, anxiety and infections.

This wonderful herb is renowned for its positive immuno-modulating effects, support for autoimmune conditions and rejuvenating properties. Guduchi is packed full of anti-oxidants. Hence as part of a holistic approach, this plant has the power to boost immunity against many viral infections and could potentially play an integrative and preventative role for the current Covid-19 pandemic (please note: not based on conclusive evidence or clinical trials).

The stem is the most widely used part this plant in a powdered form as well as the beautiful heart-shaped leaves and also the very thin but strong roots. The herb carries a bitter and astringent taste with a sweet post digestive taste conversion, a light and unctuous quality and a heating potency bringing balance to all doshas particularly pitta.

This herb has been extensively used as an Ayurvedic medicine for conditions including, fever, asthma, cardiac disorders, jaundice, urinary tract infections, diabetes and aenemia. Aside from these conditions, guduchi is also used for a host of other health conditions such as improving digestion and balancing digestive disturbances, such as bleeding conditions, haemorrhoids, indigestion, intestinal worms, diarrhoea and mal-absorption, excessive thirst and vomiting. Guduchi can build strength, support healthy ageing, relieve cough, dyspnoea, bronchitis (Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthana Ch.25).

While guduchi may not be the standalone answer and this information is by no means a scientific claim for the efficacy of guduchi for the current pandemic, we can appreciate the traditional uses of this herb. When taken regularly we can certainly consider guduchi for boosting immunity and control fever during the infection phase. Ayurveda always looks to treats root cause, which is often a weakened digestion microbiome. Guduchi can be used as a part of the holistic approach to support our gut microbiome and boost immunity. Please contact your local Ayurvedic Practitioner for safe use and dosage for you, if you are keen to incorporate herbs as part of your holistic healing and wellness. The best way to take guduchi is a decoction preparation or currently now available in capsule form.

Purchase Guduchi at:
Triveda - Use discount code GEETAVARA5OFF