Pre-Pro-Post-Anti Biotics and Gut Health

Pre-Pro-Post-Anti Biotics and Gut Health

Antibiotics can be thought of as a powerful immediate protocol against bacterial infections. Unfortunately, that comes at a heavy price to our gut health and oftentimes long-term changes to our gut flora. The concept of antibiotics did not exist 5000 years ago, but the wisdom of the natural world enabled doctors to know the properties of the plant medicines (dravya or aushadi) that can have the ‘antibiotic’ effect. But the notion through Ayurveda is to support the patient to regain their own health.

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Cool off with a tantalising Takra (Ayurvedic Buttermilk)

Cool off with a tantalising Takra (Ayurvedic Buttermilk)

Over the counter probiotics and digestive enzymes are certainly on the rise but I’m not convinced that these are a holistic, balanced or a long term solution. Ayurvedic buttermilk known as takra is a useful refreshing yoghurt-based drink designed to restore a healthy gut microbiome. It was considered to be the divine healer for humans according to (Bhavaprakasha. Ch 6.V.7)

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