Slow and steady kapha wins the race

Slow and steady kapha wins the race

We have five kapha subdoshas and understanding them will help us to cultivate a subtle rebalance where necessary.

These five subdoshas take care of various organs (plasma, blood, fat, muscle, bone, marrow reproductive tissues), actions (weight, growth lung lubrication) and emotions (calm and compassion) and when these get imbalanced they can be responsible for dis-ease and eventually disease, so establishing balance early on can be highly transformative.

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Feeling hot hot hot?

Feeling hot hot hot?

Our mind-body is governed by three bio-energetic forces, vata, pitta and kapha and each has their role and they have a unique balance within us. Vata is the energy of movement and kapha is the energy of stability.

Pitta is the energy of transformation and heat of the trilogy. Pitta is formed of the fire and water elements and guess what? We have five of them within us (pachaka, sadhaka, ranjaka, alochaka, brajaka). We can see the obvious fire in our digestion but here is how pitta plays a role in other area.

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