Getting through the winter lockdown

Lockdown 1 caught us off guard but lockdown 2.0? bring it on and let’s do this! Lets keep it simple today and dive in my 10 current tips/reminders to get you through the next 4 weeks and beyond during the winter lockdown. Let’s keep the focus wellness and building inner strength.

1.   Foods that Refuel

We’re done with cleansing for the year – it’s time to retox and recharge the batteries. Bring on the foods that nourish the mind and body during this time. Some examples of foods that recharge us during this season include: dates, raisins, figs, amla, grapes, pomegranate, root veggies, mung dahl, ghee, whole grains including rice, almonds, walnuts, cashews, hot milk drinks, buttermilk, fresh seasonal fruits, meat soups (if you’re non veg) and also seeds.

2.   Movement is medicine

As we get into the deeper parts of winter – invigoration and stimulation for the body is essential. Gosh I know that sounds painful when all we want to do is hibernate at this time. But you can do that too (in the evenings). But a little get up and go early in the morning for 20-30 minutes of a form of movement or exercise that inspires you in the morning between 6-10am. I promise you, you’ll be glad you did it.

3.   Self care (massage)

Like movement, massage is also invigorating for the body during the winter months and especially effective before a hot bath as it protects and hydrates the skin. You can opt for dry body brushing 1-2 times a week and a nice warm oil massage 1-2 time a week. This is the ultimate self care ritual in my book. Get out your candles, music, and the magnesium salts – go for it - its a necessity not a luxury.

4.   Herbs & Spices

If you know me then you know my love of the store cupboard spices and their incredible healing benefits. So explore these for yourself Turmeric, ginger, lemon, ajwain, black pepper fennel, coriander cinnamon, saffron, liquorice and cumin - my spice answers to everything and like most spices acts as a digestive aid does not fail for its wellness promoting benefits as it enhances agni (the root of most of our ails). For some recipe ideas you can visit my recipe page. More specialist winter supportive herbs include guduchi, brahmi, triphala, ashwagandha, tulsi and shatavari and more. It’s best to consult a practitioner on what will work best for you.

5.   Chyawanprash

Just a spoonful of chyawanprash helps the medicine go down! It’s a herbal jam packed with nothing but rejuvenating goodness to get you not only through the winter but your entire life since its designed to bring longevity and youthfulness. Chyawanprash is perfect for adults and kids alike to support your winter health, rebalance the Vata dosha, manage day-to-day stresses by helping the body in removing ‘ama’ (toxins), boosting ojas (immunity and vitality). See my blog post on this wonderful ayurvedic elixir.

6.   Immuni-tea

Don’t forget we get dehydrated in winter too so plenty of herbal tea such as the traditional Ayurvedic CFF tea (cumin, coriander and fennel) and plain warm water! How much is enough? check your urine, if it runs clear then you’re good. Get you cup of comfort on, turmeric milk, Spiced good night milk for the evenings: Goodnight milk blend.

7.   Surrender

One thing is for sure, there is not much we can control that is outside of us, so we need to allow ourselves to trust our souls journey and surrender to what is at this time and focus on how we respond to situations and how we take care of ourselves and navigate through these tough times. It is all an opportunity for growth and transformation and ultimately evolution. Lets embrace this, Stay grounded in our practices, be clear in our purpose, deepen our faith and step into our divine power. Life’s a journey are you in for the ride?

8.   Breath with me

Time devoted to spiritual practices especially pranayama breathing exercises can really help bridge the mind body and emotions and cultivate a deeper connection to your inner world, the place where we really want to take our life guidance. Keeping our lungs clear and strong and deepening our lung capacity can be a game changer since we only use 15-20% of our total lung capacity. The breath is the tool that allows us to closely connect the inner life force (prana) - the energy that flows through a network of 72,000 energy channels called the nadi’s and supplies the life to each and every cell.

9.   Sleep

Our body rejuvenates over night and this is an essential time for our tissue and cell repair. A little extra sleep can go a long way over the winter period – that means early to bed - not day time napping. Remember 1 hour before 12 is equal to 2 hours after. Sleep is one of the three pillar of life in Ayurveda. Get enough and maintain good sleep hygiene. Dim lighting, no devices for the last hour, hot bedtime milk, gentle breathing and meditation and a little foot massage with get you in your zen.

10.   Stillness /Slow down

Stillness comes from being in the present moment and being in the present moment comes when you have total awareness. We can cultivate stillness by spending time in nature, reading a good book, writing a poem, drawing or painting, listening to relaxing music, giving ourselves time to disconnect from the stimulus that takes us away from this moment. You can get creative in how to get still.