Dream a little dream of me...

Sleep is essential part of our wellbeing and a pillar of health in Ayurveda. Swapna is the sanskrit term for dreams. It is a subject area that fascinates me but is vast and can have many interpretations because it’s where our mind-body interplays with our consciousness. Our subconscious mind is still active while we sleep.

There are many theories about why we dream some say it’s the brain processes memories and information that's been absorbed in our daily life, or visions into our subconscious mind as well as processing of emotions or a way of connected with other realms, dimensions and spirit.

In Ayurveda, our constitution can also impact the types of dreams we may experience and give insights into the imbalances we are experiencing in our body and mind that come from our subconscious mind. It can particularly shed light on parts of our shadow self and things that we might need to work on as part of our spiritual development or even our life purpose.

Did you know that your dream can be influenced by your Prakruti (mind-body type) and can be influenced by the imbalances that you are experiencing in the Doshas. Do you resonate with these types of dreams:

Vata dominant dreams are often:

  • abstract/vivid

  • active, running

  • fleeing, falling, flying

  • being chased attacked or locked up

  • often recall dreams

Pitta dominant dreams:

  • Life like

  • intense, intellectual and focussed

  • problem-solving or studying

  • adventurous

  • can involve strong emotions such as anger, shame or aggression

Kapha dominant dreams:

  • Lustful, loving and emotional

  • calm or water -based

  • replaying real life scenarios

  • can depict greed or attachment

  • material and emotional desires

  • possibly no dream due to heavy and deep sleep

Have you noticed a pattern in your dream? I definitely recommend journalling your dreams if your dream frequently and can also recall them as a way of identifying an common patterns. If you have disturbing dreams, this can also be associated with a Dosha imbalance. Analyse your Prakruti and learn more about your mind-body type as well as your imbalances with a consultation and you can also get insights into what your dreams can mean too and what is typical of your Prakruti type.

Sweet dreams everyone.