What's sabotaging your wellness goals?

What's sabotaging your wellness goals?

Well-being is so much more than what we eat and how much we move. If you are keen to turn a new leaf for your wellbeing with new year health resolutions, fasting or dieting goals, it's essential to set realistic, specific and meaningful goals; develop a concrete plan that can help you stay consistent; seek support; and be adaptable in the face of challenges.

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Fruits for nature's cold-weather defence

Fruits for nature's cold-weather defence

Ayurveda teaches us that like increases like and that opposites balance. Winter is considered a Vata-dominant season, characterised by cold, dry, and windy qualities. During this time, incorporating seasonal fruits that balance and nourish the body is recommended. Depending on your geographic location, here are some of the best winter fruits according to Ayurveda.

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Top 10 Ayurvedic winter wellness tips to see us out of 2023

Top 10 Ayurvedic winter wellness tips to see us out of 2023

Embark on a holistic winter wellness journey with these ten personalised Ayurvedic tips. Start your day with warmth through Ayurvedic rituals like tongue scraping and oil pulling, eliminating toxins and setting the tone for a gentle morning. Elevate well-being with regular self-massage using recommended oils, nurturing the skin and enhancing circulation. Hydrate wisely with warm water or herbal teas, aiding digestion and internal warmth. Align your diet with the season, embracing warm, well-cooked meals to pacify the Vata dosha. Infuse herbal teas with ginger and tulsi for internal warmth and immune support. Invigorate body and mind with winter-specific pranayama exercises. Create a cozy sleep space with heavy blankets and warming spices for rejuvenating rest. Combat winter lethargy with gentle exercises like yoga, promoting blood circulation and overall well-being. Embrace aromatherapy with scents like cinnamon for a comforting atmosphere and respiratory support. Dedicate time to mindful rest and reflection, nurturing mental and emotional well-being.

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Pimp up your winter dahl

Pimp up your winter dahl

Dahls are always warming, veggie (vegan if you don't use ghee), hearty, gut-loving and delicious. I always cook intuitively with spices and I encourage you to do the same. Indian Cooking is designed for experimentation and adaptation to taste. Here I use spice-roasted butternut squash and crispy kale to pimp up my dahl for the winter without the bread.

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Waking up early is the key to health and success

Waking up early is the key to health and success

Timing is everything! Brahma Muhurta is the time approximately 1.5 hours before sunrise - so it would vary based on your geographical location and sunrise time (usually between 3:30-5:30)

In the Ashtanga Hridayam Sutrasthana 2:1 is is said that waking up in the Brahma Muhurta can protect our health and longevity and promotes success in all areas of life. 

Brahma Murhurta literally means the ‘creators time’ - So it’s a perfect and auspicious time to rise and engage in our inner work, self care rituals, spiritual practices, creative work, perceive and receive knowledge.

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