What's sabotaging your wellness goals?

There is so much pressure that we need to change ourselves, become a renewed person, start fresh, set new year resolutions and hit the ground running (oh so very #pitta). The truth is life is messy and we are not going to have a miraculous shift overnight. We can become obsessed with projecting the perfect version of our future self that we so desperately want to be/feel, that we’ve lost touch of who we really are and how far we’ve come on our journey.

While I am not a fan of new year health resolutions, fasting or strict dieting dieting goals, if you are keen to turn a new leaf for your wellbeing, it's essential to set realistic, specific and meaningful goals; develop a concrete plan that can help you stay consistent; seek support; and be adaptable in the face of challenges.

Well-being is so much more than what we eat and how much we move. We need a personalised plan based on our constitution, consider our age, the season, vulnerabilities, geographic location, health history. We need to focus on keeping our Agni (digestive fire) healthy, because how we digest is the key to health, and mind and emotions have to factor into the mix every-time.

True to Ayurvedic principles, the focus is not to fix these broken parts of ourselves but to fully accept ourselves, especially the unhealed parts with kindness and compassion, celebrating our wins in life (big or small), commending the challenges that we overcame. This is especially true for our wellness.

Commitment and consistency is key but when we force our body to go into a radically restrictive diet or a forced detox mode after the holidays, we can land ourselves in all sorts of issues. We are still in the thick of winter and our body needs immune support and nourishment at the time as we are vulnerable due to dominance of vata.

Winter is a time when the body naturally wants to conserve energy to stay warm. Engaging in rigorous detoxing or fasting may deplete the body's energy reserves, potentially leaving us feeling fatigued or susceptible to illness. Real transformation takes time; go slowly slowly! Guided and intentional adjustments always reap the most profound long lasting shifts.

Here are some of the key reasons we fail on following through with our health goals not just not but at anytime of year:

Unrealistic Goals
Setting overly ambitious or unrealistic goals can set us up for failure. When goals are too challenging, we may become discouraged and give up. Think about how you want to feel. Break the big goals into achievable bite-size weekly or daily goals.

Lack of Specificity
Vague resolutions, such as ‘get in shape’, ‘lose weight’ or ‘eat healthier’ lack specificity. Without clear and measurable objectives, it's difficult to track progress and stay motivated. Get clear on the how, when and why.

Poor Planning
Failing to create a realistic plan to achieve your wellness intentions can lead to difficulties. Planning includes setting smaller milestones, outlining steps, and acknowledging potential obstacles. Progress over perfection - slowly slowly win the race.

Lack of Motivation
If your resolution is not deeply meaningful or if the person lacks intrinsic motivation, you may struggle to stay committed when faced with challenges or distractions. Really spend time understanding all the reasons why this intention is important for you.

We can often expect immediate results, and when we don't see quick progress, we may become disheartened and abandon our goals. Be kind and gentle with yourself, commend your progress.

Social Influences
Your environment and social circles can have a significant impact. If friends or family members are not supportive or are engaged in behaviours that conflict with your resolution, it can be challenging to stay on track. Maintain clear boundaries and communicate clearly.

No Accountability
Without accountability to self, someone or something, we may not feel a sense of responsibility to stick to our resolutions. Sharing goals with trusted loved ones or professionals such as a health coach can help maintain accountability and consistency.

Lack of Adaptability
Life is unpredictable, and unexpected events or changes can disrupt routines. If you struggle with adapting to new circumstances, you may find it difficult to maintain resolutions. Resist the all-or-nothing mindset. If you deviate or slow down it is not a failure. Factor in adaptability and down days to avoid feeling deep disappointment.

What health intentions will you set yourself this year? One of the best ways to stay on track with health goals is to seek professional guidance from a health and wellness coach that can help you stay accountable. Sometimes we need support, encouragement, sometimes we need the challenge but consistency is key.