Ayurvedic Hair Care (oiling)

Ayurvedic Hair Care (oiling)

Hair oiling holds significant importance in Ayurveda for promoting hair health and overall well-being and for many good reasons. Ayurveda suggests various ingredients that are beneficial for hair health when used in hair oil formulations as they nourish the hair, strengthen the roots, promote hair growth, and improve the overall health and appearance of the hair.

Some commonly used ingredients in Ayurvedic hair oils include: bhringraj (eclipta prostrata), amla (Indian gooseberry), brahmi (bacopa monnieri), neem (azadirachta indica), coconut oil, Sesame oil, hibiscus (hibiscus rosa-sinensis), jatamansi (nardostachys jatamansi).

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Rose - Water for the soul

Rose - Water for the soul

Rose water is an Ayurvedic beauty essential that I simply can’t live without. There is always a bottle (or 2 or 3) in my cabinet and trust me I don’t have a huge range of beauty products. I live by the rule that less is more. I use rose water as a multi-purpose beauty elixir – it’s sheer luxury and super simple to make at home. It was considered the fragrance of royalty and brought to palaces from the Indian city of Kannauj (famous for distilling roses to make perfume)– so let’s immerse in the essence of rose and invoke your inner goddess!

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