Top 10 Ayurvedic winter wellness tips to see us out of 2023

Here are my ten personalised Ayurvedic tips to ensure your winter wellness journey is both enriching and balanced.

Revitalise mornings with Ayurvedic rituals
Begin your day on a warm note with Ayurvedic rituals like tongue scraping and oil pulling. These practices, not only eliminate toxins but also lay the foundation for a gentle start to your day.

Nourishing self-massage with my recommended oils

Elevate your well-being with regular self-massage using warm oils such as my favourites like cured sesame or a vata balancing oil. This Ayurvedic tradition nurtures your skin and enhances circulation, boosting your immunity.

Hydrate wisely with my warm water recommendation

Opt for warmth throughout the day by drinking warm water or herbal teas. This simple shift aids digestion, promotes toxin elimination, and keeps you internally warm during the winter chill.

Seasonal foods

Align your diet with the winter season. Embrace warm, well-cooked meals with an emphasis on soups, stews, and root vegetables to pacify the Vata dosha during the colder months.

Herbal tea picks for internal warmth

Infuse your routine with herbal teas with ingredients like ginger, cinnamon, and tulsi. Not only do these teas provide internal warmth, but they also boast therapeutic properties supporting your immune system.

Engage in pranayama for the winter

Invigorate your body and mind with pranayama exercises. Controlled breathing balances energy and enhances respiratory health, helping you navigate the colder season with ease. Kapala Bhati and Bhastrika are particularly great during winter.

Create Geeta-Approved cozy sleep space
Prioritise restful sleep with a cozy and warm sleep environment. Incorporate heavy blankets and warming spices like nutmeg or cardamom in milk, warm oil foot massage into your evening routine for a rejuvenating night's rest.

Stay active with strengthening and grounding exercise

Combat winter lethargy with gentle exercises such as yoga or brisk walks. Physical activity enhances blood circulation, keeping you warm and promoting overall well-being.

Aromatherapy with warming scents

Embrace the power of aromatherapy using scents such as cinnamon, clove, or eucalyptus. Diffusing these essential oils creates a comforting atmosphere while supporting respiratory health.

Mindful rest and reflection

Dedicate time to mindful rest and reflection, aligning with my approach. Winter serves as a season of introspection; engage in activities like journaling or meditation to nurture your mental and emotional well-being.

As winter unfolds, nature expertly guides us in fortifying our health with personalised wisdom. Incorporate these Ayurvedic tips into your routine to embrace winter as a time of rejuvenation and wellness, fostering harmony in both body and mind.