Stay cool this summer

As we enter the height of the summer period, the pitta season, it is important to adapt our diet and lifestyle so we can keep our dosha in balance and enjoy the summer sun. Opposites are cure for opposites and therefore keeping in balance with nature will ensure that we are synchronisedwith our environment.

Digestion is not as strong in the summer months and therefore it is best to opt for a light and easy to digest foods. Pitta is naturally increased especially in dominant people naturally due to the rise in heat. A pitta pacifying diet is most suitable with foods that are naturally sweet or bitter. These foods can include: asparagus, broccoli, artichoke, cucumber, green beans, courgettes, carrots, bitter gourd, bell peppers, kale, coconut, ghee, plums, pears, sweet grapes, figs, dates, melon, barley, cous cous, spelt, rice, all lentils. Avoid excess of nuts, heavy meats, salty, sour and pungent foods such as chillies, pickles, alcohol, fermented or fried foods.

During the summers months it is advisable to engage in calming activities such as walks in nature, and calming exercise such as yoga, tai chi, walking or swimming. Keep a cool and calm mind and take up the practice of regular meditation. Nurture yourself with a daily self massage, listen to calming music, eating is a peaceful environment. Wear gems and stones that have cooling properties such as moonstone, pearl, sapphire.

Protect yourself from the heat by wearing loose cotton clothing, protective sunglasses. Drink lots of room temperature water or lassi with some ground cumin for a refreshing and cool day drink.

Herbs that can be taken to reduce aggravated pitta can include: coriander, cilantro, cardamom, fennel, cumin, dill, mint, rose water, saffron.