Ayurveda and the Allergy Season

Ayurveda and the Allergy Season

And so it starts again – an increase in pollens and for so many of you - hay fever (seasonal allergic rhinitis), with symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes and throat, nasal blockages, difficulty breathing, a heavy head, weakness and fatigue. Get ahead of the game with Ayurvedic rituals, herbs and diet to prevent Hay Fever this summer.

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Combating back pain with Ayurveda

Combating back pain with Ayurveda

From shoulder aches and pains to chronic repetitive strain conditions such as sciatica, back pain has affected many of us through numerous causative factors. Back pain or ‘kati shoola’ as it is known in Ayurveda is a common condition where the one or more dosha becomes imbalanced, and of these, vata (air + space element) would be commonly responsible.

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Neem (azadiracta indica) – The Ayurvedic Friend for Skin Health

Neem (azadiracta indica) – The Ayurvedic Friend for Skin Health

Neem is a fast-growing tree that can reach up to heights of 50 feet, growing in many parts of India and the subcontinent, with the ability to withstand very high temperatures and low rainfall. In Ayurveda it is known as sarva roga nivarini,  translating as ‘the curer of all ailments’, indicating its vast healing benefits. The most commonly used part of the neem tree are its dried leaves which are very bitter in nature.

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The Ayurvedic Perspective of Gastritis

The Ayurvedic Perspective of Gastritis

Gastritis, otherwise known as urdhvaga amlapitta in ayurveda is an inflammatory condition of the mucous membrane and glands of the stomach. Pitta types are more prone to this conditions and it is a vitiation of the pitta dosha where stomach acids such as Hydrochloric acid and other digestive enzymes secreted by the stomach become inflamed and results in the increase of these liquid secretions leading to indigestion and symptoms such as, loss of appetite, nausea, headaches, dizziness, vomiting, abdominal pain, heartburn coated tongue, foul breath, increased salivation, sour belching, irritable bowels.

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