Keeping things sweet with jaggery

Keeping things sweet with jaggery

Gur, or jaggery is a natural sweetener with naught taken out and used in most Indian households in many sweet dishes and a little nugget would often be taken as a component in an Indian meal. Some of these ‘benefits’ would include support to iron deficiency and immunity, a digestive aid, especially a vata digestion. Jaggery is also the best choice in preparing rasayana’s (rejuventive tonics) – for example in Kharjuradi Mantha – a tonic used for hangovers

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Good moringa to you

Good moringa to you

Known as the ‘drumstick tree’ or ‘shigru’ which literally means ‘an arrow’ (botanial name: Moringa oleifera) and has been used in Ayurveda for centuries. It is both nourishing and detoxifying making it one of the most versatile plants of all time. Moringa has gained popularity over the recent years as ‘superfood’, but it has multiple health benefits including its rich anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties, helping to prevent the body from infections and free radical damage.

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