Healing powers of the ‘sweet stem root’

What is this sweet stem that I am referring to? None other than Yasthimadhu or better known to most of us as liquorice (glycyrrhiza glabra). No, not the black sticky sweets but the actual plant root. Traditionally, liquorice was used as a medicine rather than a spice and the root was the main part used from this purple and white flowering perennial.

Liquorice is sweet in taste, heavy and sticky in quality, cool in potency and sweet post digestion and balancing for vata and pitta doshas. And Ayurvedic sage, Charaka explains some traditional uses of this wonderful root.

  • Jeevaniya – promotes longevity

  • Sandhaniya - healing for wounds and fractures

  • Varnya – improves the complexion of skin

  • Kanthya – improves voice

  • Chardinigraha – offers relief from vomiting

  • Shonitasthapana – restore conditions of bleeding

  • Mutravirajaniya - restores colour to the urine

  • Snehopaga – useful in preparation for panchakarma

  • Kandhughna – relieves itching (pruritis)

  • Vamanpaga – useful as an emetic in panchakarma

  • Asthapanopaga – useful in ayurvedic enemas (basti)

Some more common uses of yasthimadhu:

  • Super soothing for a dry and sore throat (larynx and pharynx) as it has an emollient effect and can clearing the airways

  • Great for cough, chest congestions as it breaks down and liquifies mucous, bronchitis and plays an important role in treating asthma and hoarseness of voice when you gargle with a decoction.

  • Helps in boosting immunity

  • Great as a digestive support, especially on reducing acidity in the GI tract, indigestion, nausea, symptoms of IBS, gastritis, duodenal and peptic ulcers.

  • A great aid for managing cholesterol and supporting liver health

  • Useful in cases of hypothyroidism by assisting the thyroid hormone secretion.

  • Liquorice has powerful antimicrobial properties so can help fight against viral and bacterial infections

  • Anti-fungal so helps in conditions of internal and external fungal conditions

  • Prevents the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone – Useful one for hormonal hair ladies and for the guys great for prostate health

  • A decoction of yasthimadhu can be used as a hair cleanser for various hair related problems such as hair fall and premature greying.

  • A paste of liquorice can be used externally for skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, skin rashes and itchy dry skin as well as improves complexion.

  • Its anti-inflammatory properties make it useful for liver disorders and chronic fevers

  • Anti-ageing (Rasayana) and antioxidant properties keeps a check on cholesterol

  • Supports general body strength, immunity and when taken with milk can support cognition and memory

  • Useful in burning micturition and in various urinary conditions it also helps in menopausal symptoms like hot flashes

Home remedy:

Mix powder of liquorice root with ghee to make a paste (lepa) and apply topically to skin to help heal cuts wounds and insect bites. Reduces redness, pain and swelling.

Caution: Contraindicated in osteoporosis, pregnancy, hypertension, heart, liver or kidney diseases, conditions of low potassium, if you’re taking hormonal contraceptives.