Choose ghee lamps this Diwali

Like many of you, I love the charming glow that comes from burning candles for creating a calm and comfort ambience at our home. I consciously choose bees wax or sometimes soy candles but have you tried traditional ghee lamps? Were you aware of the health risks of candles due to the materials used and the emissions they produce.

Paraffin candles are typically made from petroleum byproducts. When burned, they release potentially harmful chemicals like benzene and toluene, both of which are known carcinogens. Inhaling these fumes can irritate the respiratory system and may contribute to air pollution indoors.

Soy candles are often considered as a safer alternative, but they can still contain additives or fragrances that may release toxins if not made from 100% pure soy wax.

Beeswax candles are the best natural option and emit negative ions that can help purify the air. However, they can be expensive compared to other candle types.

Natural ghee lamps on the other hand are:

Typically made from clarified butter and provide a cleaner and healthier burn. They do not emit harmful toxins, making them a safer choice for indoor air quality.

Ghee lamps hold deep cultural and spiritual significance in many traditions. The soft, warm glow is said to have a calming and therapeutic effect, promoting peace and serenity.

Ghee lamps can be infused with aromatic herbs and spices, enhancing the ambiance and providing a natural, soothing fragrance without synthetic chemicals.

Traditional ghee lamps are eco-friendly and biodegradable, making them a sustainable choice for those concerned about their environmental footprint.

Ghee lamps tend to burn longer than conventional candles, making them more cost-effective in the long run.

Make a better choice: Choosing the right candle

  • Opt for candles made from natural materials like 100% beeswax or soy wax without additives

  • Choose candles with cotton wicks, free from lead or metal cores

  • Look for candles with natural, essential oil-based fragrances instead of synthetic scents

  • Use candles in well-ventilated areas and avoid burning them excessively

Traditional ghee lamps offer a more holistic and health-conscious and spiritually enriching alternative to the health risks associated with conventional candles.