Ghee - an Ayurvedic friendly fat

Everything around us has an effect on something within us and ‘soma’ is the energy of the moon and is the nectar that energises, supports and grows and making ghee on the full moon has always been considered auspicious, especially when you recite mantras for health and vitality such as the Ganesha mantra - to remove your inner obstacles and this batch is to get 2021 off to a good start!!!

Ghee is revered as an elixir for health and longevity in Ayurveda and is one of my favourite staples and referred to as gritam in sanskrit - used both internally and externally in ayurvedic cleansing and rejuvenation therapies. I could talk endlessly about the health benefits and sattvic qualities of ghee but here is my nutshell highlights:

  • A powerful rasayana to give strength and nourishment to all 7 dhatus (body tissue) and fertility

  • Kindles agni - our digestive fire

  • Builds ojas and therefore supports inner immunity and protects the bone marrow

  • It is a nourishing tonic to the nervous system, ENT (ear, nose, throat conditions) and the brain, especially when taken internally or through nasya (nasal errhine)

  • It improves perception, clarity, intelligence and memory

  • Nourishes, supports and improves the function of the eyes and can be used as drops or as a therapeutic bath (netra tarpana)

  • Improves the lustre of the deeper and outer layers of the skin 

  • Ghee’s penetrating ability enables it to reach the tissues of the body at a cellular level, providing strength, tone and flexibility

  • It can improve the quality and pitch of the voice at the same time

  • Tridoshic - it pacifies vata, pitta and in small quantities kapha too

  • A fat that moves toxins out of the body

I love the nutty popcorn smell of ghee as it bubbles away in preparation. If you choose only the best quality organic butter made from grass-fed cows to make your ghee, you can create golden magic in a jar!

By clarifying butter, most of the milk proteins are removed, leaving a virtually lactose-free cooking fat which is free from hydrogenated fats and trans-fatty acids and protective against free radical damage.

Ghee has a high smoke point and can be used in cooking in place of butter and oil, as it does not easily burn. It is extremely versatile, as it is the most heat-stable fat for cooking. It is easy to digest, aids digestion by stimulating stomach acid secretions and aids absorption of nutrients.

The special gift of ghee is its catalytic properties and its ability to carry the medicinal properties of herbs to all the tissues of the body without interfering with the action of the herb making a supreme anupana for other herbs in the formed of a medicated ghee.

Use ghee with caution in obesity, high cholesterol and high ama conditions.

Why ghee over butter


  • Smoke point - 150 C

  • Trace levels of lactose & casein

  • Butter fats and milk proteins


  • Smoke point: 250 C

  • Next to no lactose and casein (due to reduced proteins)

  • Only butter fats

  • Rich in Omega 3 fatty acids

  • Contains Butyric acid which helps to reduce inflammation

  • Contains CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) - this helps reduce plaque in our arteries.

  • Contains fat soluble vitamins A, E, K and helps convert sunlight into vitamin D

To make your own home-made ghee, follow the recipe here: Geeta Vara home-made ghee